He, so we are officially half way through our lecture phase of DTS! 6 weeks! This past week was Jesus & the Cross and it was another intense week. We wish there was another way to explain it but other than going into extreme detail, intense will have to do {if you want more details, p,ease lets set up a video chat and we can tell you all about it!} our days seem to be flying by and this week we have started Original Design with Yelii Flores and again... intense! Our note books are filling up, our brains and hearts are overflowing with knowledge and emotion! one thing we would say is if you or someone you know - youth or not so youth- is interested in a gap year (either before college or when retiring) we would definitely recommend doing a DTS! You can do them in so many places around the world! Have a talk with the Father, see if He puts a school or mission trip in your heart! Step out in obedience, trusting He will guide you... then see what an adventure you and He will have!
A few prayer requests from our end:
- continued good rest and exercise
- quality time with our Father for relational time and processing time
- quality time for Dennis and I together
- insight for our future after DTS - we have had many different people speak to us about what the Lord has told them about our future and it is amazing how what we each have gotten are very complimentary to the other! So exciting!
- we keep handing our stresses to the Lord and let him look after them!
Thank you for the messages and texts, they are greatly appreciated and as always, if you want to have a video chat let us know and we will arrange it, if possible! Hopefully, soon, we will have a bit more news on our outreach to share with you!
have a beautiful week!
‘Dennis & Jodi